Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Who Spent $10 For These Domain Names? Seriously!

Sure, domain names are the real estate of the future, but that does not justify spending $10 on crazy stuff. Below you will find some of the craziest (and crapiest) registered domains that I came across through my research sessions on the web.

1. gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I will save you the pain, there are 59 o’s on this domain (not counting the one on .com). I mean, I would understand why someone would want to register or even But Gooooooooo… And the interesting thing is that this guy is not alone. Almost all the Google-like domains with several o’s are already registered, up to 59 o’s (which is also the maximum you can have). Perhaps people engaged in a competition to see who would own the longest Google-like domain?


Talk about starting a project with motivation and high hopes….


We all know that registering a .net domain is a bad idea when the .com version is available. Well, not only this guy went for the .net, but he also misspelled professional. I am not sure how much consulting work he would be able to get with such a domain name.


Sex of horse? What the heck is that domain supposed to mean? We know that sex related domains tend to be worth good money, but those are domains that make sense and contain searched terms. What kind of perverts search for “sex of horse?”


Enough said.


Whoever registered this domain deserves some credit because he managed to create a small paradox. That being said, these were $10 he is probably never seeing again.

7. thelongestdomainnameintheworldandthensomeandthensomemore

Probably this is the only domain on this list that actually is worth the $10 spent for the registration. If you google “longest domain name” it will appear close to the top, and it should get some traffic. We included the domain here because it is a crazy idea nonetheless.


We are not here to judge one’s eating habits. However, we can not figure why one would want to broadcast to the world such a peculiar fetish.

What about you, did you come across any crazy registered domains in the past?

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